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Small cheese vat 125 litres / 30 gallon


Hard to find the right equipment?


Starting cheesemakers sometimes search for months and months to find the perfect vat for their operation but can't find anything suitable or affordable. When they finally do and get started, they realize that their perfect vat is probably too small too soon. Why? Because business is taking off...

Cheese making is all about getting started. Gaining experience, getting out there with your products, improve and build a customer base. Your first cheese vat will probably not be perfect and that's totally fine. Because it's all about craftmanship and salesmanship. About entrepreneurship and getting into motion.

That's why we offer small cheese vats. Basic but perfect to get going....


Cheese vat 125 litres / 30 Gallon


Multifunctional vat to make a variety of artisan dairy products. Possible to pasteurize cheese milk (72 degrees Celcius) or milk for yogurt (88 degrees celcius). Assembled with very good quality components (German and Dutch) that are easy to replace when needed.
Perfect to start a small scale venture in artisan dairy or as a vat for product development. The price / quality ratio is very good so this vat is easy to resell when you outgrow it.


- Completely stainless steel
- Triple jacket (inner jacket / water jacket / outer jacket), total width of the side jacket is 8 cm.
- Rockwool insulation in the side jacket and in the bottom! Very good energy efficiency.
- 1" water input and output for sufficiënt water flow through. Separate water overflow for safety.
- On wheels, very flexible construction, very easy to move
- German agitator motor
- Agitator kan be easily removed. Agitator beam can be turned aside so you have full access to your product and the vat can be cleaned easily.
- Dutch heating elements with thermostat. Easy to replace.
- Standard 11 kW heating power  (400 Volts). Single phase possible on request (no extra charge)
- Comes with calibrated thermometer (EBRO) to controll the process manually.
- Very smooth surface finish
- Can heat until approx. 88 degrees Celcius. Cool with tap water.



If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. 


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