Looking for equipment?
Are you looking for equipment but you can't find anything. Maybe we can help. Most of the equipment we buy and sell is on request. This equipment doesn't get listed on this website because it goes straight to the cliënt. We will search all over Europe to find what you are looking for. In a lot of cases we buy directly from European farms and creameries.
When we search on request our focus is on our cliënts needs and not on what we have in stock.
Leaving your details Not everybody likes to leave their contact details because they are afraid to be bothered by a salesmanager all the time. We can guarantee you this is not the case! Most of the time we send photo's and information by e-mail and then we wait for the cliënt. The only reason we ask for details is because we don't like to work for "ghost-cliënts". There is absolutely no obligation to buy anything, but it would be nice to reply to our messages.
Time frame We will try to find the equipment your are looking for asap. However, this is not always possible. Sometimes nothing is available. We will need more time then and we will keep you informed. Please let us know if you found something yourself, then we can seize our searching.
New Equipment If we can't find any used equipment that fits your needs we can also sell you new equipment. Just ask for the possibilities.
Please fill in all details below for a search request: | Recently soldUsed 800 litre Butterchurn sold to the United States
Used 400 litre dimple jacketed process vessel sold to the United States
2 x Used GEA Westfalia Cream Separator |